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prior density function中文是什么意思

用"prior density function"造句"prior density function"怎么读"prior density function" in a sentence


  • 先验密度函数


  • The class of distributions includes the weibull , burr - type x , pareto and beta distributions . a proper general prior density function is suggested , and predictive density functions are obtained in one - and two - sample cases when the history sample is a type ii double censored sample . illustrative examples are given
    在type双删失数据场合下,讨论了双参数burr - type分布参数的贝叶斯估计,在所取的损失函数分别为平方损失, linex损失,熵损失函数下得到了参数的贝叶斯估计,并且给出一种近似算法。
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